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Thursday, January 9, 2014

"Why" did I join this college?

Dear Students,

This is my first post in this blog. After a long time thinking about the topic to be discussed, I decided to write the answer to the most powerful word "why?" in this post. When I did my Under Graduation, I joined in a college because, I was in need of a minimum degree so that I can sustain in this competitive world. Later, I decided to join in defense forces and participated in NCC. I have A, B and C certificates in NCC. Now, as I felt I am working in MNC. However, my interest in defense did not come true. God had a different plan for me.

I am sure, each and every person reading this post or studying different courses in different colleges are from different family and financial background. Some students may not have financial problem and many may have. Few people will have family problems, few people may be the bread winner of the family and they still want to pursue their education and improve their society.  Few students may be shy and few may be jovial.

But, irrespective all the issues, the one thing you must be careful in college days is that you must be very clear in your destination. In other words, you should know the clear answer for the question "why did to join the college?"

One of the favorite lines from a song from the film Autograph exactly mentions what we are suppose to do. The lines are as follows:

"Oru Mudivirunthaal athil thelivirunthaal antha vaanam vasamaagum" 

"ஒரு முடிவிருந்தால் அதில் தெளிவிருந்தால் அந்த வானம் வசமாகும்"

Hence, I request you to find an answer to the question "why did to join the college?". This will give you the solution to lots of problems. I will be sure to post more information in the future to come. If any one reading the post has got the answer for the question "why?" you can share it to me at I will be glad to publish your goals in my blog.

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